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標題: [旅遊資訊] 留學生所認識嘅澳洲 [打印本頁]

作者: tnehchuan    時間: 2011-5-12 08:59 AM     標題: 留學生所認識嘅澳洲


* 99.9%的廁所都是坐廁,隔間裡面永遠都會有紙。
* 各國菜肴基本上百花齊放百家爭鳴,但基本上泰國菜中國菜最便宜。
* 坐公車要感謝司機。
* 公車統統不報站名,不按鈴不停站,你得時刻警惕著,最好知道你要去的地方街景長什麼樣,不然很容易坐過十幾個站,萬一被查票,坐過站可不是好理由。
* 大事thanks,小事cheers,Ciao。可以表達謝謝,或者再見。
* 見面how are you, 可能兩個人同時how are you。但千萬別回答fine thank you, and you?一般Local都是Good,yourself?
* 悉尼墨爾本華人氾濫,基本上無英語也能生存。
* 這就是一個全世界歧視印度人的國家。
* 辨認是否是大城市的重要因素就是有沒有唐人街。
* 天氣預報,基本沒人關心,反正iphone上有。

* 除了華人基本沒人用傘
* 市面上基本見不到100澳元的鈔票,去ATM也是取不到的哦,去銀行櫃檯也要特別要求才有的。去櫃檯取錢,工作人員不是用一張一張算的,而是一疊一疊或者一袋一袋稱的。。。
* 沒有人喝EVIAN,我見得最多的是Mount Franklin。
* 滿大街的Gloria Jeans, 搞得我一度以為是賣褲子的。星巴克只有零星兩三家,沒什麼人光顧。
* 沒有H&M, 上個月悉尼第一家ZARA開張的時候Aussie排隊的景象不亞于第一家麥當勞在中國開門的景象。
* 沒有任何一個地方沒有Jurlique。
* 10個人裡7個有iphone,3個有imac,3個人有ipad,iphone是街機。有一次我跟一個白人小妞問路,她刷地拿出iphone打開Google Map,麻流利索。
* 你在澳洲街頭穿什麼也沒人看你,裸奔的話估計有人拍下來放上youtube
* 空氣好,但是也沒好到南極那程度。
* 喜歡傻兮兮的暴力運動Footy,一大幫人在場上甩來扭去。

* 馬路上會有不認識的人沖你笑,有一次我經過一個House,主人家正在打理院子,對上眼了我禮節性地稱讚院子漂亮,主人啪折下一朵花送我。
* 盲人也可以當教授。無障礙設施條件好的讓人嫉妒。
* 比如買東西14.8的話,只能給他整數,不能給他20.8,算不過來,他就會說:“sorry, I can't take both.” 更別說買了16,你給他21,讓他找5了。但最近澳洲人智商有提高的趨勢
* 修一個井蓋恨不得把整條路都封了。
* 普通澳洲人兩位元數以上運算需要借助計算器,一次Lecture的時候,教授跳過了四則運算交叉相乘的過程,突然覺得不妥,問大家是否都明白是怎麼計算的,華人都笑了,白人都一片茫然。
* 基本上中國看得到的水果澳洲都有,華人區能買到在大陸買不到的臺灣香港地區食品。
* 超市表示世界上沒有小偷。你們可以自己刷條碼,插入信用卡,輸密碼,拿收據,走人,門口雖然有檢測儀,但是叫了也沒人理。
* 你可以上學在一個城市,住在另一個城市,交通靠火車,沒有地鐵這種先進的東西,澳洲人表示澳洲地大人稀,地底空間不需要利用。
* 如果哪天政府關閉了所有的酒吧,國會議員會帶著老百姓一起造反,尤以Gay吧為甚。
* 馬路上一般都能看見四個季節的著裝。很多Local一年四季都是背心短褲夾腳拖鞋。穿著夾腳拖鞋參觀國會也暢通無阻。

* 到處都是簽手機的,賣手機的很少。
* 來澳洲之前做任何事都沒有學英語重要。就算你雅思9分,該聽懂的還是聽不懂,該會說的還是不會說,該明白單詞的還是不明白,該會拼的還是不會拼。來了澳洲以後發現,不會拼的單詞越來越多,以前會拼的現在也不會了。
* 火車的頻率比公車高。公車晚點是常事。
* 學費年年漲。不能提前一次付清。
* 中國人比例最高的地方不是china town,而是奢侈品商場。
* 感覺澳洲人不關心國際局勢。
* 有夏令時和冬令時。每年時間不一定,但都在Break或者Weekend。新聞報紙會通知。在當天趕飛機火車神馬的要小心。
*Thank You和i'm sorry要掛在嘴邊,上菜之前先道歉,你碰人家一下得道歉,忘記給女士拉門要道歉,道歉之前還TM得道歉。這真TM是禮儀之邦,對不起對不起...
* 人家玩facebook比中國人玩校內勤多了。一邊上班一邊發FB的大把人在。。。(記住Iphone是街機)
* 抽煙...男的女的一起抽,教授學生一起抽,Bar外面都要開一個兩平方米的類似露天陽臺的地方,十個人擠在一起抽,從外面看過去絕對是景觀。
* 大商場諸如Westfield五六點就關門,唯一開到九點的一天是週四(聽說個別地方週五),如果你住在沒有24小時便利店的地區而半夜要買東西,請自求多福

* 住在非亞裔Suburb,9點以後想吃個外食請自動開車去City,一片荒涼滿目瘡痍啊
* 大多數Suburb晚上8點以後街頭已然沒什麼人了,除了醉酒者
* 週五週六夜晚是燈紅酒綠紙醉金迷,鬼妹踩恨天高的功力非我們能望其項背,至於女生去PUB的穿著方面,套用黃子華的話——那不是低胸是高褲!!!
* 鬼佬特別愛穿各種低腰牛仔褲,一坐下來滿眼白花花的大屁股
作者: huit    時間: 2011-5-12 10:36 PM

比如買東西14.8的話,只能給他整數,不能給他20.8,算不過來,他就會說:“sorry, I can't take both.” 更別說買了16,你給他21,讓他找5了。

Depends where you are - I'm from Sydney and I do that all the time because my wallet doesn't hold coins, never had problems. Not sure about the other cities (and they say Perth is 20 years behind Sydney :) )
作者: huit    時間: 2011-5-12 10:47 PM

沒有人喝EVIAN,我見得最多的是Mount Franklin。
- Not surprising given the author is an overseas student - in the CBD people drink Perrier/Evian/Pellegrino and other wanky water

-Crouch-toilets do not exist in Oz, or other western countries, only in Asia

見面how are you, 可能兩個人同時how are you。但千萬別回答fine thank you, and you?一般Local都是Good,yourself?
- I mostly say "good, yourself?" but there's nothing wrong with "fine thank you, and you?" and people DO say that

* 悉尼墨爾本華人氾濫,基本上無英語也能生存。
Not just Melbourne

* 這就是一個全世界歧視印度人的國家
They ARE pretty annoying - and normally I'm not racist.

滿大街的Gloria Jeans, 搞得我一度以為是賣褲子的。星巴克只有零星兩三家,沒什麼人光顧。
-Starbucks used to be everywhere - and then the American head office went into administration, and closed most of the shops in Oz

* 你可以上學在一個城市,住在另一個城市,交通靠火車,沒有地鐵這種先進的東西,澳洲人表示澳洲地大人稀,地底空間不需要利用。
-No funding. They've talked about building a metro system for years in Sydney.
作者: coddysun    時間: 2011-5-16 10:44 PM

作者: cloveraeon    時間: 2011-5-19 12:11 AM

作者: swimmingting    時間: 2011-6-3 08:15 AM

5# cloveraeon

yes agree!! my husband laughed at me using an umbrealla when it's only a drizzle :P
作者: freeze1010    時間: 2011-6-9 09:30 PM

*滿大街的Gloria Jeans, 搞得我一度以為是賣褲子的。星巴克只有零星兩三家,沒什麼人光顧。
this is funny =p

* 沒有任何一個地方沒有Jurlique。
at least u can find it in Chastwood~=]

* 各國菜肴基本上百花齊放百家爭鳴,但基本上泰國菜中國菜最便宜。
DISAGREE!!! Chinese is sooooo expensive here! but Thai's cheap~

Nice work thou =p
u seem a bit sarcastic, somehow hate oz?
作者: huit    時間: 2011-6-9 11:45 PM

*滿大街的Gloria Jeans, 搞得我一度以為是賣褲子的。星巴克只有零星兩三家,沒什麼人光顧。
Fact of the matter is, even before Starbucks came, you could always get good coffee in any major city in Oz from any half-decent street cafe, unlike America. I've only ever bought Frappucino from Starbucks not because I wanted coffee but just wanted a cold drink
作者: ivyyee    時間: 2011-6-10 01:05 AM

* 悉尼墨爾本華人氾濫,基本上無英語也能生存。
Not just Melbourne

This is the problem for overseas student, I knew some Chinese overseas students spent more than 2 yeas in Sydney and they are unable to communicate in English, because they live in among other Chinese, no incentive for them to learn English. They may hold a degree, but I am sure they will not get a good job in OZ as Aussie loves to talk.
作者: 大啦叭    時間: 2011-6-10 08:07 AM

*比如買東西14.8的話,只能給他整數,不能給他20.8,算不過來,他就會說:“sorry, I can't take both.” 更別說買了16,你給他21,讓他找5了。但最近澳洲人智商有提高的趨勢
* 來澳洲之前做任何事都沒有學英語重要。就算你雅思9分,該聽懂的還是聽不懂,該會說的還是不會說,該明白單詞的還是不明白,該會拼的還是不會拼。來了澳洲以後發現,不會拼的單詞越來越多,以前會拼的現在也不會了。
正常!澳洲口音How are you 变成 Ha  a ya !
* 抽煙...男的女的一起抽,教授學生一起抽,Bar外面都要開一個兩平方米的類似露天陽臺的地方,十個人擠在一起抽,從外面看過去絕對是景觀。
作者: huit    時間: 2011-6-10 08:40 AM

* 悉尼墨爾本華人氾濫,基本上無英語也能生存。
Not just Melbourne

This is the problem for overseas student, I knew some Chinese overseas students spent more than 2 yeas in Sydney and they are unable to ...
ivyyee 發表於 2011-6-10 01:05 AM
And it doesn't help that some unis (UTS comes to mind) actually TEACHES in Mando, with a Mainlander teacher, and with Chinese lecture notes. But you get a full UTS degree upon completion.
作者: ivyyee    時間: 2011-6-11 08:58 PM

This is bad as a degree is now worth nothing because no one believes that they graduated from Uni. The gove't and the education provider are just interest on $$$$$$. The mainland o/s students are wasting their time in OZ.
作者: djjackol    時間: 2011-7-25 04:45 PM

作者: popoeliz    時間: 2011-7-31 10:07 AM

This is pretty accurate. My only comments is if you think that you can survive without English in melbourne. Yes, you can. But you miss out a lot of aussie cultures and places that aussie would go.
You would be living just in Box Hill or Glen Waverley. That is pretty sad. The best thing about Melbourne is that no matter where you live, 30-60min drive can get you to a gorgeous beach or state forest.
There is not many city that you can have this sort of life style.
作者: ChanMoonLin    時間: 2011-7-31 01:03 PM

sorry, 請問如在澳洲讀一年建築課程, 需要多少錢 (學費和生活費)
作者: vodafone903    時間: 2011-8-19 09:55 PM

15# ChanMoonLin

作者: bmx3233    時間: 2011-8-20 07:29 AM

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: popoeliz    時間: 2011-9-9 09:04 PM

sorry, 請問如在澳洲讀一年建築課程, 需要多少錢 (學費和生活費)
not too sure about school fee. (hit the U web site)
cost of living is getting higher and higher but students are allow to part time job.
~$200 aus per week for renting a room (rent a house ~$400 per week) in Melbourne. That may give you a sense of cost of living. Uni usually can help you on cost of living estimate.
作者: hamha    時間: 2011-10-1 07:44 PM

本帖最後由 hamha 於 2011-10-1 07:50 PM 編輯

no way I been living in Sydney for a long time if you can't speak English you can only survive in Cabramatta or Ultimo.

When you see an Aussie you don't say "how are you?". Say "good day" or "how's going". And yes add "mate" at end of each sentence if you are talking to a bloke (male) ;-)
作者: huit    時間: 2011-10-11 11:28 AM

no way I been living in Sydney for a long time if you can't speak English you can only survive in Cabramatta or Ultimo.

When you see an Aussie you don't say "how are you?". Say "good day" or "how's g ...
hamha 發表於 2011-10-1 07:44 PM
... or Chatswood, Hornsby, Hurstville, Ashfield, Burwood.... etc etc etc

I'm willing to bet you can spend an entire week living in any of the above suburbs without saying a single word in English :)
作者: norman.ho    時間: 2011-10-13 06:45 PM

hey huit, you have more or less covered the northern suburb, southern suburb, the inner west .... bet you've been scratching your head about some eastern suburbs, right?
ok, let me feel it in for you, how about places like Randwick, Kensington, Coogee; and as you move further to the coast, then you have to learn to speak Hebrew, Maori, or Kiwi accent will do.  Or Japanese, if you need to ask direction from the Japanese tourists.
作者: norman.ho    時間: 2011-10-13 10:17 PM

本帖最後由 norman.ho 於 2011-10-13 10:23 PM 編輯

tnechuan, my friend.  You a one very observant person.  But I don't think you've been here that long, less than 12 months? perhaps?  If you stay a bit longer, spend some more time interacting with the locals, you may get a broader perspective, and understand why the streets a quiet after 10, and teenage girls dress the way they do.  You may find it a bit too revealing, but to the locals, that is perfectly fine, and we are not judgmental on the individual fashion sense.

* 各國菜肴基本上百花齊放百家爭鳴,但基本上泰國菜中國菜最便宜。

Should try some Turkish cafe at Auburn, or Lebanese restaurants in Fairfield.  The food there are both cheap and interesting.

And it doesn't help that some unis (UTS comes to mind) actually TEACHES in Mando, with a Mainlander teacher, and with Chinese lecture notes. But you get a full UTS degree upon completion.

Seriously, that must be confined to language class only,  else criky, they should be sacked.  I've heard from some students doing International Studies complaining that the Chinese language teacher (from China) are all pretty crappy too.

Now, this next one is not meant to offend people from HK or China, but this habit is really annoying.

When you need to use your mobile in public, could you please turn your own voice volumn down, it's dame rude to talk loud on public, and talking in mobile just make you worse.  It's proper etiquette not to use mobile phone in public, if you really have to, can you do texting instead, or else find a quiet corner, and talk quietly.

The Japanese never talk loud in public, and I haven't seen them talking on the mobile in the bus or on the train.

作者: jamcream    時間: 2011-10-16 04:17 PM

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作者: yoyoyo001    時間: 2011-10-20 08:24 PM


作者: cloveraeon    時間: 2011-10-21 12:34 AM

quite true
and life is easier here
作者: manman007    時間: 2011-10-25 12:23 PM

Thank you very much!
作者: jay12628    時間: 2011-11-22 10:35 AM

作者: yiuchuntang    時間: 2011-11-26 01:41 PM

school fee AUD20000 appox.
for uni .
作者: yiuchuntang    時間: 2011-11-26 01:42 PM

approx AUD20000 per year for school fee ... living cost about 1xxxx AUD
作者: yiuchuntang    時間: 2011-11-26 01:44 PM

AUD 20000 school fee per year
作者: yiuchuntang    時間: 2011-11-26 01:45 PM

living cost about 1xxxx AUD per year.
作者: 水色蝎子    時間: 2011-11-29 05:07 PM

作者: 魑魅    時間: 2011-12-1 01:08 PM

作者: 魑魅    時間: 2011-12-1 09:46 PM

作者: showmanlkz    時間: 2011-12-14 12:31 PM

作者: coddysun    時間: 2011-12-15 02:17 PM

I would have to say... Strongly agree!!!!!!!!!
作者: taipounited    時間: 2012-1-1 06:29 PM

I just found coffee becomes a a culture in Australia now as compared to years ago. People at work may sometimes sneak out to buy a cup of coffee or even have a coffee break one in the morning and another in the afternoon.
作者: mrfusion    時間: 2013-2-15 02:56 PM

I just found coffee becomes a a culture in Australia now as compared to years ago. People at work may sometimes sneak out to buy a cup of coffee or even have a coffee break one in the morning and anot ...
taipounited 發表於 2012-1-1 06:29 PM
I usually have a coffee at breakfast, then again at about 3pm.
作者: hewen0917    時間: 2013-3-6 06:35 PM

作者: hahahaex    時間: 2013-3-16 06:18 PM

so truee man~!!!
作者: cmb106    時間: 2013-3-16 09:28 PM

比如買東西14.8的話,只能給他整數,不能給他20.8,算不過來,他就會說:“sorry, I can't take both.” 更別說買了16,你給他21,讓他找5了。但最近澳洲人智商有提高的趨勢

絕對認同, 我好耐冇咁做了, 無謂添麻煩
作者: cmb106    時間: 2013-3-16 09:38 PM


yoyoyo001 發表於 2011-10-20 08:24 PM
作者: yanyan1210    時間: 2013-3-17 12:20 AM

作者: ka0721    時間: 2013-3-19 09:13 PM

Very true, its funny, thanks for sharing!!!
作者: kkwm83    時間: 2013-4-5 03:55 PM

* 大事thanks,小事cheers,Ciao。可以表達謝謝,或者再見。 ...
tnehchuan 發表於 2011-5-12 08:59 AM
還有更簡單的。。。講 'TA' 就行了。。。

* 99.9%的廁所都是坐廁,隔間裡面永遠都會有紙。

* 各國菜肴基本上百花齊放百家爭鳴,但基本上泰國菜中國菜最便宜。

* 這就是一個全世界歧視印度人的國家。
不止印度人啦,我覺得 歧視亞洲人的還是有,特別是小地方也會有

作者: xxxcolt    時間: 2013-4-5 05:49 PM

千言萬語4個字,Australian are retarted *粗口*s......... 報告完畢!

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