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標題: 怪異人臉羊 [打印本頁]

作者: jjwah    時間: 2010-2-1 10:16 PM     標題: 怪異人臉羊

繼中國江蘇省一隻母羊早前誕下3隻似羊非羊的怪胎後,土耳其伊茲密爾( Izmir)附近一條村,獸醫埃爾汗( Erhan Elibol)為一頭難產的綿羊剖腹生產,小羊出生即夭折,但卻把所有在現的人卻嚇了一跳,因為小羊竟長了一張令人驚駭的人臉,無論是眼睛、鼻子與嘴巴都與人類極為相似,眼口鼻都像人,只多了一對羊耳。[youtube]qF0RS2NnY-I&feature=player_embedded[/youtube]
作者: huhut6432gj    時間: 2010-2-1 11:16 PM

作者: b.chiu    時間: 2010-2-2 07:41 PM

作者: shing838    時間: 2010-12-2 09:56 PM

作者: dennis0360    時間: 2011-1-10 09:49 AM

thank for share
作者: pksia    時間: 2011-1-10 03:24 PM

作者: ming8680    時間: 2011-1-12 08:45 AM

作者: zigen9    時間: 2011-1-14 04:27 AM

I did some research for this incident. This is the article I've read, ... reuy9-1225819071357

It could be fake. According to the ariticle,

" The mutant baby born with a human-like head stayed alive for several hours until the frightened village residents killed him."  (Why would they kill it?? Ok, I say they got scared.)

BUT!!! "The locals burnt the body of the little goat, and biologists had no chance to study the rare mutation." (That's telling us, there will be no more evidences for everyone to chase. Therefore, it can be fake!!!)
作者: kyoko2010    時間: 2011-2-28 11:13 AM

突變的巧合吧 ~

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