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[寵物資訊] 有沒有不適合初養狗者的狗狗?

從小就很想飼養狗狗, 可適居住環境以及多方面的考慮, 覺得之前還沒有可以對狗狗作出承諾及照顧;



謝謝你的回覆.  收養是怕對我來說比較難訓練, 不知牠過去的經歷.......

活動空間......家裡 600-700呎....., 對金毛尋回犬, Chow chow, 古代牧羊好像不太好......但如果天天能做到帶牠到樓下走走, 可以接受嗎?

600-700呎 對 POODLE 來說應該更好, 只不過, 我想從小養到大, 而又是大犬.

不過最重要問題是, 我看到一個 POST, 說就算屋契沒有說不能飼養寵物, 但如果有兩個鄰居投訴都不可以養.....E 個先係最重要問題
3# jp3386

我住的私人屋園, 但公契上訂明不可養狗, 結果, 我鄰居養了一小狗, 給管業處告, 上庭罰了$6千, 錢還是小, 還要把狗送人. 真可惜啊!

最激氣是管業處說是鄰居投訴的. 那芝華華我時時跟牠玩,十1分可愛, 怎捨得投訴呢!

所以, 你要了解清楚才決定養的問題.

香港天氣位處熱帶氣候, 而且房屋面積又不太大, 養長毛及大種的狗都不太合適. 你自己看看你的環境決定囉~
thanks for share
我养了一只狐狸狗,一直落毛, 换了狗粮,也是一样。只有一直服食维他命丸才有些好转。有没有一些其他方法可以改进呢?
1st category: fighting dog group. e.g. American pit bull. They typically breed in aggressiveness. Or they suddenly attack owner or passer by. They may be most friendly family pet but there is a risk that you don't want to take with your own children.
2nd category: difficult to train dog or stubborn dog. e.g. standard schnauzer (they are great dog, if it is your second dog)
3rd category. dog from a pet shop or puppy farm. This applies to any dog. This group of dog did not have socialization with the litter (puppy need to stay with the bitch/mother for ~12weeks to learn and socialize). Do you want to risk to have a dog that is mentally damaged by locking up in the pet shop in its childhood? Try to get a dog from a breeder, can be professional or amateur. Try to look at the dad and mum, to see whether you like them(personality, traits)

Then the factor is how much space do you have? How much time do you have to exercise the dog. Do you have young children? Do you have time to groom the dog? (if you want a dog with long hair)

I live in a house overseas. The first beginner dog/easy to care for dog comes in mind are:
Golden retriever or Labrador.  First small beginner dog that comes in mind is king charles spaniel or Maltese.

To be fair to standard schnauzer, they are the smallest dog with big dog personality. But you need to train and discipline them properly. I am keeping one currently, low shed, low odour...
They are great dog but I would not be able to handle her if I have not had dog before.

Remember, the extra cost of buying a dog from a reputable breeder is your least of your worry.
e.g. buying a pure breed standard schnauzer (not for breeding) is ~800. Cost of keeping a dog including vet, food per year is at least 1500. (vet bill, vaccination, heart worm tablet~$600 or more in a year that the dog does not have any discease)
3# jp3386  

我住的私人屋園, 但公契上訂明不可養狗, 結果, 我鄰居養了一小狗, 給管業處告, 上庭罰了$6千, 錢還是小, 還要把狗送人. 真可惜啊!

最激氣是管業處說是鄰居投訴的. 那芝華華我時時跟牠玩,十1分可愛,  ...
lovingvenus 發表於 2012-2-1 03:00 PM


It all depends on your habits.
adopt is much better than buy.