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西維爾球會主席迪‧尼杜剛公開向傳媒表示,該球會剛於今天較早時候拒絕了兩項收購丹尼爾‧艾維斯的新出價建議。今早有報導指車路士已提高出價至 £24.5M,但英國傳媒估計該西班牙球會索價高達 £27M。  迪‧尼杜稱:「我們在數小時之內已拒絕兩項不符合我們要求的兩項新出價。」這兩份出價相信不出車路士和皇家馬德里這兩家球會所屬。
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莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君. 穆里尼奥, 一路走好..
成兩千幾萬磅~ 唔抵買ar
I agree, not worth. Actually I believe Chelsea have all the defenders in place; why not just train from their youth players?
可以考虑买其他人, 右后卫又不只他一位强人。
27m 可以买很多人了。
Don't buy him, he will not royal to Chelsea. From the news related to his transfer, you will know his character - deal with Chelsea then deal with Real Madrid.
too expensive!!!
better buy other players