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please answer carefully,

how to set up my sql or oracle data base???

do we have to set up to mysql to obtain a website?

what is php using for 

what is apache using for??

how to set up oscommerce or ecshop???

what is web hosting using for???
you are so impolite,you request every body to help you but you say'please answer carefully',do you know what the word'carefully' mean


  • wwinglin

原帖由 ebay 於 2009-3-19 02:49 PM 發表
you are so impolite,you request every body to help you but you say'please answer carefully',do you know what the word'carefully' mean
I do agree with you!!

老實講,要set up oscommerce or ecshop好容易,不過連web hosting都未知係勿o甘就等如要寫簡單英文文章,但又連ABC係英文字母都未知。至於以上問題,我覺得就算点answer carefully,恐怕都幫唔到勿o野忙。你有心要知大概係D勿,去google search下,有大把相關文章。

[ 本帖最後由 newsmonger 於 2009-3-21 12:39 AM 編輯 ]


  • wwinglin
