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good i will try to convert my rmvb file into dvd
nice software...thx for shaRING...it was really useful...

no good

useless, have to pay $35
that's a good software. Thanks for sharing :onion14:
Nice software
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感激萬分.....:014: :014: :014:
thank for sharingtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5 `( a2 ?; f. [! H) Y

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- o. q1 Q/ ~' D9 G) |富貴之家 ~ 豪氣之族www1.tvboxnow.com+ n3 ?8 z9 {" i6 l2 x
" j' W; E. `9 I/ C9 [( B9 Y7 Q6 Gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
I just can't burn it! i already download the file but when i use this program all i get is my file is unsupported or the file is damaged
* c$ v& S: z0 ?; y2 Q公仔箱論壇what did i miss! do i have to setup something! please help!!!
3 `+ |% Y6 r4 U1 |" @7 h公仔箱論壇
7 X* @* {' o4 ?  f4 ^, q  ~thanks
wow really helpful! Thanks!:onion14:
sounds good program worth a try than you
thanks you, 1st good software