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回復 #1049 woofy 的帖子

總成績排行榜? where is that comes from??????

回復 #1052 woofy 的帖子

  stock amrket  wor..........may be relate a bit la.....

回復 #1054 boy12 的帖子

me privattely??????? why......me bright man don;t do dark stuff

回復 #1056 bourget 的帖子

哇好快!!!!!! 你食d

回復 #1060 bourget 的帖子

what u eat for dinner so quick.
any dog or cat here?

回復 #1127 woofy 的帖子

twins not here......

回復 #1130 bourget 的帖子

yes ar today so charm ar, now is 5:13am here, i finish one of the great job..........free pay servant for a night!!!!

回復 #1135 felixng2007 的帖子

4:15am i finish that............so cham!!!!!!! and waste of money......+ time

回復 #1137 woofy 的帖子

i am dizzy dizzy now.......haha.....becasue i feel charm lor.........
give me a christmas present i will be happier ....:014:

回復 #1139 woofy 的帖子

sunday ar.......today suspoose no work la...
my sister ring me and say bring her back from town...cher......as usual.....me stupid again..
3 more loud girls jump in...then she invite them sing k  then play mar jong.boring!!!!!
at the end, still need me to drop them all off.......
waste of time waste of money

++++ tea of coffe please all me serve......oo forgot++ noodles+egg+ham......

回復 #1139 woofy 的帖子

christmas i work a lot, hope after christmas, i sit in the office eat banana again la.......dam people always have excuse to go off day, ill ill ill ill ill sick sick sick.....
why christmas people will be ill or sick lei?

回復 #1142 woofy 的帖子

every tie like this ar ma...pick her up end up something like.eat pizza la, sing k la, play mah jong la...too many female ITEMS in the house so noisy!!! plus got to drop them off 3:00am no good..friday i almost day off la...weekend they mess up!!!!!!!!
nononono..i do not want to cook noodles for someone+ make tea or coffee.......i can work on a plane la!!!!!!!!

this sunday i dive water i go to watch.golden compass with my fiend.......

回復 #1144 woofy 的帖子

the golden compass, film wor...  u can come with me i get u a big popcorn.sweet pop corn no salty ones.