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即將于2007年12月在北美上映的好萊塢電影《黃金羅盤》(The Golden Compass)是一部改編自菲利普·普爾曼(PhilipPullman)系列小說《黑暗元素》(His DarkMaterials)三部曲第一部的電影,講述了一段扣人心弦的奇幻冒險故事。《黃金羅盤》是以在歐美地區廣獲好評的奇幻文學作品《黑暗元素首部曲:黃金羅盤》為題材改編,這部由PhilipPullman創作,在歐美銷量直逼J.K.羅琳的《哈利·波特》系列,但口碑更胜《哈利·波特》的文學作品,在歐美地區可說是得獎無數,甚至在2007年底還將由美國新線電影公司(NEW LINECINEMA)拍攝三部曲電影,分別是:《黃金羅盤》、《奧秘匕首》、《琥珀望遠鏡》,而第一部曲電影《黃金羅盤》預計2007年12月7日上映。

回復 #1147 bourget 的帖子

of course la........no one opull down stock, we all eat banana.....no one can earn decent money
who is 華仔?

回復 #1150 woofy 的帖子

uk ur head.......usa ar.

回復 #1154 woofy 的帖子

回復 #1155 bourget 的帖子

him......o my god!!!!!!! i already msn talk with him but seems like talking to a brick wall

回復 #1158 woofy 的帖子

that why he is in this film...a bear a tiger and .....an ape......
so u join me to go watch la........i get u a vip seat
big pop corn as well
the golden compass!!!!!     what kind of church do u go to........u are roman or?

look at post 1156 la.

回復 #1163 woofy 的帖子

same day release! i go and watch the big bear that is what i want....haha.....my bed has got a massive one.winnie the pooh!!!!! so i can train him to be next one!!!!

回復 #1166 woofy 的帖子

believe in god.......funny way to say is...u can MY god....

i got winnie the pooh big ones!!!!!! hugh!!!!!! also ducky as well.....

回復 #1169 woofy 的帖子

just a normal ones and big bear bear....if i take pic then people will laugh.no way!!!!!
i have got soem in my mobile haha..........but i will not show here.....
skyone only got 50% share wor

回復 #1172 woofy 的帖子

nonononono!!!!!!! show her =dead!!!!!! no thanks!!!!
do not make me say something i do not want to say to put u off hehe.

回復 #1175 woofy 的帖子

ok la, u give me ur real photo, not dog photo hah.i give u that photo lor.........no problem

回復 #1177 woofy 的帖子

i told u i will put u off
what deal do u want? i will never deal with posion to play myself die haha