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i used to be last minute liao, so i hv no feeling about it, haha
bye bye time 2 sleep

come in wu liao 2molo again
hey where all hacker go wo, haha

go support my chui shui post about animation de
all hacker disappear liao

or u all hack by other people???

Im back back back hehe
then u attack them bck lo, i bolo u my bid knife haha
i just come bck from class n pasar malam lo, haha
eat until so full
my class until 6pm then direct go pasar malam lo, haha
i come bck again

回應 edwin10 第 368 篇文章

just join 2day, my friend open de
so young, im 23yrs old liao, my final year haha
ya gua, not so sure, later ask him
bye i go sleep
bye bye