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Clean up...~
Sweep the floor..
It's dead and quite..

原帖由 h2o 於 2009-3-1 07:56 AM 發表

希望啦 ......
Don't worry..~  Water brother..~!
There's lots of job opportunity out there.., support..~!!

原帖由 h2o 於 2009-3-2 01:03 PM 發表

with the crisis now....err
I know I know...~  The economy is apparently getting worst..., everyone is suffering in this issue...
I'd honestly tell you..~! According to what I've seen.., what I've experienced..
It's gonna be another economic disaster coming soon..
And now..~!  This is just the beginning of nightmare..~
From now on.., most of my buddies are totally got fried plus they're all sustaining on living..

Be optimistic.., once the critical moment has passed.., the economic will back on the track, again..~

[ 本帖最後由 fly814 於 2009-3-2 04:00 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-3-1 07:48 PM 發表

靚貓貓, 7:45pm 訓覺好似早左D喎! 哈哈 哈!
Oh..~!  You look so energetic..~!!  Manyiu..~!

原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-3-2 04:22 PM 發表

Really? thank you very much for your compliment!
What are you doing now..~??

原帖由 lhy92725 於 2009-3-2 05:58 PM 發表
Hello..~  Let's sweep together..~!!

原帖由 lhy92725 於 2009-3-2 09:28 PM 發表
Me too..~ I just 食飽飯~! I'm feeling full..~!

原帖由 lhy92725 於 2009-3-2 09:37 PM 發表

有冇時差~? 有架
Nice to meet you~

原帖由 lhy92725 於 2009-3-3 06:06 PM 發表

Yes.., it's evening right now..~
Are you from Canada as well...~?

原帖由 lhy92725 於 2009-3-3 06:19 PM 發表

有啊..~!  It was 6 years ago..~
I had a wonderful moment in China...~

I was travelling around 江南一帶~

原帖由 lhy92725 於 2009-3-3 08:32 PM 發表


特別係蘇洲, 因為靚女比較多D~
正所謂: “上有天堂下有蘇杭”
如果居住既話, 我會選擇杭洲~ 天氣同溫哥華有小小相似~

Sweeping for floor..~
I'm making an afternoon tea for everyone.., hahaha..~!

原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-3-5 05:20 PM 發表
so many people come and help boyboy to clean up
what everyone wants is the salary la
You're absolutely right..~!!!

原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-3-5 06:00 PM 發表

靚貓貓, 哈哈, 其實我打英文係方便快捷過中文, 不過, 知到你明白, 我又有d懶惰, 所以有時咪打英文囉!
Manyiu..~! Me Too..~!  
My Chinese typing is really suckx..~
It took me a long time to complete the sentences..~
I feel so sorry about it...~!
