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原帖由 DOBI 於 7/10/2008 14:28 發表

唔係BOY BOY 比架.............丙
BOY  BOY  ONLY  20000
...who is the one then??
原帖由 YUYUME 於 7/10/2008 14:29 發表
.... ......i just lazy to write that words...besides...i know G gor gor will understand me j....
v. close la ...boyboy will jump out suddenly ma??hohoho
原帖由 Geai 於 7/10/2008 14:32 發表

I un   didnt know will have day off ja
thanks G gor gor

i also duno ga...but my fd call me tonite & told me she is so free today j~~~

that's y i late jo 2 mins tonite...u know now.......
原帖由 Geai 於 7/10/2008 14:33 發表
u use hand pad ma ?
yes, she is
原帖由 YUYUME 於 7/10/2008 14:38 發表
u go shopping now??
G gor gor~~dobi~~r u here??
can i win this time??hohoho
原帖由 YUYUME 於 7/10/2008 14:40 發表
boyboy~~~i win jo~~hohoho
原帖由 DOBI 於 7/10/2008 14:44 發表

dobi~i win jo ~~ ~~

hey~~tell me who give u $$$ sin la~~rr ma??
原帖由 Geai 於 7/10/2008 14:40 發表

secret admirer  
blue blue ma???
原帖由 YUYUME 於 7/10/2008 14:49 發表
hey~do u know h2o??
hey rob $$ at dick's post la~~
原帖由 YUYUME 於 7/10/2008 14:52 發表
wahaha...u didn't wear clothes ~~~hahahah