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it's quite interesting though a little bit like x-file w/o alien. thanks for sharing ep03!


  • bandband

不錯看的影集, thanks for ep04!
thanks for ep05!! it's really exciting~
thanks for ep06! it's quite interesting drama.
yeah, waited for so long. thanks for ep07!
thanks for sharing ep09! i think it's better than x file
thanks for sharing ep10! really wanna know what the pattern is


  • bandband

thanks for sharing ep11!! finally it's back!!!
after holiday this series starts with puzzles, too! thanks for sharing ep12!
thanks for sharing ep13! really don't like the new boss Harris, ha!


  • bandband

finally ep15 is here!! i've been waiting for soooooo long! thanks for sharing~
thanks for sharing ep16~~ i like Olivia ~ hope the plot is getting better and better!
thank you so much for sharing ep17! saw the preview, seems to be an interesting one^^
dunno Olivia can speak Chinese  thanks for sharing ep18!!
can't wait to see ep19! something terrible seems gonna happen.. thanks for sharing~