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都繫果句~~ 氣質美女
wow.. cheerleader look and u can play violin~~?>??  support~!!!!! ( d) |' ~9 L: w5 i9 k+ I6 y
cos i like violin but i duno how 2 play .. lolz~!公仔箱論壇2 _3 _8 E0 _4 \% C* W
ALOHA~ creamy~
RaVeDoGgIe --------------------------------------------------- eIgGoDeVaR
hi creamy ,long time no see and u r more and more pretty .i v download all of ur pics u posted ,including  ur post last year .....that is some pics when u were in YELLOWSTONE PARK . i m wondering whether u still remember it  ...this time i see  another aspect of your school life . especially ur cheerleading dressing ,which impress me deeply .www1.tvboxnow.com' k, ?+ P, k; f4 A
   u are a high school student rihgt ? i remember when we chated for the first time i told u  TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! I+ }3 V' r) h0 K/ ?
in mainland china there is a super-long summer vocation . now i been back to school ..i am already a senior in a university .how time flies . u ever said maybe u will fly to Beijing in 2008 .at that time i will be working there .  hope can see u there .www1.tvboxnow.com9 v0 c  e2 N( W( ?# g: G
    please come to TVBNOW frequently .and post more pics of urself ...
9 f4 _! ^" ^" L5 D4 X  d( Z6 M) p5 B公仔箱論壇   support u !
原帖由 ravedoggie 於 2007-9-13 03:02 AM 發表
8 i. o7 |5 B& i6 W4 T& m* m: A公仔箱論壇wow.. cheerleader look and u can play violin~~?>??  support~!!!!! TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! X) k/ d7 _1 ?$ Y
cos i like violin but i duno how 2 play .. lolz~!公仔箱論壇  B! s' M; s* K% h! W
ALOHA~ creamy~
+ o, j0 Y. t+ Mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbwww1.tvboxnow.com1 ~" B$ M7 c1 t4 y4 c
que pasa ravedoggie^^TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。8 |0 G! c, n% O
keke yea i've played violin for like 8 yrs already...n i also play piano as well..
2 v9 ?. x( v1 A, L; T! d公仔箱論壇violin is really not tat hard i'm sure if u just take sum lessons u'll get it....公仔箱論壇7 y% \, ?; M6 j* T. `/ e
n i'm not just cheerleader look cus i am a cheerleader kekeke...
原帖由 senyu222 於 2007-9-13 04:15 AM 發表 www1.tvboxnow.com% w+ M% Q5 Q5 X) e, G* C2 i
hi creamy ,long time no see and u r more and more pretty .i v download all of ur pics u posted ,including  ur post last year .....that is some pics when u were in YELLOWSTONE PARK . i m wondering whet ...
& ~$ N5 ^  [4 I" d: i; G: T

. J( E  l6 F6 M* d公仔箱論壇thxx soo much 4 sup. me like alwaz ar soo sweet of u keke^^
3 s' M# R" B+ d% _: H" |i can't believe u still hav my picpics fr yellowstone lolx....it seems soo long ago lolx...' O6 |& |# K/ Y  n6 ~. f
but i don't think i'm goin 2 beijing next summer la... 公仔箱論壇/ p2 @1 _# E& v( H0 D+ T
i mean i'll still go bk 2 HK but then i think i'm goin 2 TW n europe so.....' E& ~/ O& W& ^: O" y: O1 h0 x) e+ v% M. T
wow ur a senior in uni already la??? well i can't wait till i grad fr HS becus i'm really sick of HS life...公仔箱論壇: Z  z5 ]- m* a2 H
cna't wait till uni so..... well hope u've been good la^_~ thx 4 sup. me again^^
原帖由 lil_yuky 於 2007-9-13 12:06 AM 發表 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 k/ y. E- i1 @& u8 `. O
都繫果句~~ 氣質美女
% n& V& h* ]( z) q$ y# t9 ~公仔箱論壇
: t) }$ s8 x. w1 E2 A& V; q0 O) ]3 ekeke thxx ar yuky^0^ ur pretty 2

回復 #35 creamy 的帖子

oh~! really ? ur cheerleader~!! cool~!!!!  Bring It On~ lolz~!
, S" _" Z. s0 v5 f" h6 w公仔箱論壇well... actually i jus wana play a song with violin ( Canon D)  i luv tis song~ and piano 2~~!!  u play canon D???  TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 v# W, N6 u( q& L
if u do ... 记得录俾我喔。:onion14: :014: 公仔箱論壇, [1 p. |8 h7 B: o
www1.tvboxnow.com, X+ u# i6 P" I. J2 o& ~& o
ps: agreed wif YUKY~-->You Are 氣質美女:onion10:
RaVeDoGgIe --------------------------------------------------- eIgGoDeVaR
笑得好 甜
so beautiful o公仔箱論壇% J% w' }7 R1 |4 Q
thx for sharingwww1.tvboxnow.com8 f* ?/ x% W9 E
:onion05: :onion05:
原帖由 ravedoggie 於 2007-9-18 10:29 AM 發表 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5 v* }# g) n% h( T
oh~! really ? ur cheerleader~!! cool~!!!!  Bring It On~ lolz~!
: \) i  D. ?; e公仔箱論壇well... actually i jus wana play a song with violin ( Canon D)  i luv tis song~ and piano 2~~!!  u play canon D???  
! P( N9 {% t; g, g/ h  U" A& r9 |公仔箱論壇if u do ... 记得录 ...
2 Z' F* \2 p! o1 J公仔箱論壇1 R8 X6 I7 z; V" E, x* ~$ e& H
yea yea i can play Canan in D both w/violin n piano... omg i LUV tat song 2 ar....
2 L: y* e0 ~- F. o5 L# U$ m  {but i hav 2 say my "all time fav" is Fur Elise lolx....
; o" q7 ^2 a; e8 I" i& @. mTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。i can't record becus i don't hav tat program anymore la.....>< i mean i wanna rec songs soo bad so i can post it @ da "self sing" section but then since i don't hav cool edit pro no more so can't do tat .....
唷唷CREAMY公仔箱論壇  L6 b5 ?8 ]9 z5 W% L; j
好耐冇上黎啦; H3 Z5 |! W* M7 ]( a
快D 灌水, 多D傾計, BOOT UP你既身份啦TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 J! C$ ^: E! H& ?  N; o
公喜唒啊CREAMY, 哈哈) F; X1 b( a7 x/ _* G1 ?1 w# A) y
5 N5 I- n% p: l) N8 ]  f: x幾時畢業? 畢業個陣D相一定要POST上黎
thk 4 your share

回復 #41 creamy 的帖子

oh.. creamy.. tats 2 bad~~~ .... i thought can listen u play canon D.. sigh~~~~  :019:
( N2 L9 L" H- [/ X) }0 z: [tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbso creamy where u come frm actually????  frm hk? u knw how 2 read chinese :014: ..  wheres ya location now?
, ^" u% c5 A1 Q4 {8 E$ x4 ~" _1 |www1.tvboxnow.comcos u looks like ABC -.-"
RaVeDoGgIe --------------------------------------------------- eIgGoDeVaR
:onion10:  very nice~~