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1. click on start
2. click on run
3. type "regedit" without the 2 "
4. press enter
5. press the + beside HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
6. press the + beside SOFTWARE
7. press the + beside Microsoft
8. press the + beside Windows
9. press the + beside CurrentVersion
10. press the + beside ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad
11. look for "rdfhost" or "rdihost" or "rdshost"
12. click on it
13. press the delete button
14. Restart computer
15. Go to your windows directory. delete photo album.zip
16. Go to your system32 direcory. delete rdfhost.dll or rdihost.dll or rdshost.dll
17. Write me a $100 check to thank me.

For #15 and 16, if you're not sure here's the alternative:
15-1. Click on start => run
15-2. type (everything after the -) - cmd
15-2.5 press enter
15-3. in the black window that popped up, type - cd %SYSTEMROOT%
15-3.5 press enter
15-4. type (follow the " marks exactly) - del "photo album.zip"
15-4.5 press enter
16-1. type - cd system32
16-1.5 press enter
16-2. type (follow the question mark exactly as I placed it) - del rd?host.dll
16-2.5 press enter
16-3 type - exit
16-4 press enter
應該係類似的病毒, 不過唔算是新病毒.
症狀: 有朋友會send 個zip file 俾你, 並且會messenger 你話係佢的相.
如果你按 receive, 唔會有事(最好當朋友send 野俾你事問清楚是否有send 野俾你)
你unzip 後click 只file 就會領野(中毒)...
中毒後如果你唔開msn 就冇事, 如果你開就會hang 機 + 開始傳送個病毒俾你list 內的朋友

大家可以嘗試以上的方法, 我中過亦用以上的方法解決了.


  • jwxie518
