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回復 #342 woofy 的帖子

no, is becasue u and bourget always noodles.....bourget is worst.........she said she eat over night food.........................

回復 #345 woofy 的帖子

keep buying shoyboy09 when he open his company............then he will get kill later ........

his company anme will be called.金谷秀夫

so shyboy09=金谷秀夫

回復 #348 bourget 的帖子

becasue ievery night when i gone back home from work i always hungry.........and woofy own me some noodles.

回復 #351 woofy 的帖子

no i can tell u i use shyboy09 to make fun out of people..............but good thing is he is the one to die for us make us money in stock market.......

people will sure ask how come shyboy09 have a company called 金谷秀夫

回復 #352 woofy 的帖子

i dno;t even have time to buy noodles!!!!!! i am dead.........

i am thinking to go and drink tea with my sister tomorrow
woffy and bourget suddenly disappeared..........why? scared?:014:

回復 #361 woofy 的帖子

i hand shake and type wrong, is that a problem?:024:
tomorrow i said to my sister i will get her mc breakfast, then go to gym...........haha i don;t know lu......then go to my friend fix computer.......dam..i think breakfast can make at home......gym run two round and leave say sick and fic computer quick quick and go hehe

回復 #491 bourget 的帖子

dam........i fogot chuch as well...........ar.............

回復 #482 yuka13 的帖子

yuka want to join old people;'s home??????

回復 #494 yuka13 的帖子

bourget always gone mad and think she is in france suddenly!!!!!

回復 #497 woofy 的帖子

i go curch too, but no don;t know la!!!!!!!!!.......

回復 #500 yuka13 的帖子

she is dreaming she is in france........hor hor!!!!!!      

all the school i study in hong kong or u.k. has got st....to start with so means i will go to church lor!!!!!

回復 #501 woofy 的帖子

蝦佢 no wor....i am good good ga!!!!!!

回復 #503 yuka13 的帖子

not me wor.............may be another felix hehe.....we nnever know