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原帖由 夜月 於 2006-7-31 11:45 AM 發表。 

I argee.....你唔鐘意千嬅...唔代表人地都要一齊唔like....
証明都有佢地既 ...
“女兒紅裡面邊個唱歌最好聽”------this is your title. in your first post, even you said a lot. but all you tried to say is that Miriam is the worst! and all the other posts that you worte, doesn't matter whom the first party is. "she" is always much better than miriam. to me, that is 針對!also, there is nothing arong with fans supporting their idols. just because they like someone you hate doesn't mean they are stupid. everyone is different. we can't all follow you!
原帖由 捉棋姐姐 於 2006-7-31 02:51 PM 發表。 

To jay619

我覺得joey都有少少扮野,但楊千嬅扮得勁D,佢個樣完全做晒出黎好假囉,仲有各位知唔知點解次次頒獎禮楊千嬅見到joey都好似死狗咁?因為佢年年都輸比佢囉,我唔係鍾意joey,joey唱歌有實力兼把聲都幾好聽,但楊千嬅只可以話識唱歌,但唔好聽囉,就係因為楊千嬅以為自己有大把fans所以先咁串,佢就黎比D fans害死啦,同埋想講就係我開得Lee個post我只會係Lee度幫胡杏兒平反,但其他網我唔理嫁,因為我都唔係鍾意胡杏兒,不過女兒紅裡面我聽得出胡杏兒好過其他果幾個好多倍,D人都硬係要話楊千嬅好聽既,我覺得好登胡杏兒唔抵囉,藝員唱歌仲好聽過歌手,大家又估唔估到佢出左幾多努力?我開得Lee個post鬧到佢地咁盡就預左比人插,因為真係忍左果位扮大家姐果位好耐,其他新人我唔理,但果位係樂壇天后級唱歌都唱成咁既我一定要鬧,唔好以為自己係大明星先得嫁.
it's nice what you've said about 胡杏兒. ncie of you to think from her position too (大家又估唔估到佢出左幾多努力?). also what you are trying to do (我只會係Lee度幫胡杏兒平反) is perfectly fine. i think 幸而 is a nice song too. BUT, there is no point to tell people how bad miriam is overall to make 胡杏兒 the best one!! I don't think you've been fair at all!