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Anonymous 發表於 2012-12-26 02:45 PM
who are you actually!?
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
post is updated :) check~
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
do u mean itt start now or on the newyr evega
1739jay 發表於 2012-12-26 04:44 PM
oops, i was thinking.... i must have missed something, but i just don't know what.... yes!!! when is it begin... haha
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
hello!  Haven't been back for quite a while, how's doing?
hi-new-gundam 發表於 2012-12-27 10:34 AM
Hey, long time no see~~ :)
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
玩咗成22轉, 始發覺原來無一套高級套裝齊全, ha ha!
hi-new-gundam 發表於 2012-12-27 12:01 PM
haha, +U+U!! or just get one from the act of 2013~~ haha:)
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
成日hang機, 唔爽
CC517 發表於 2012-12-27 02:10 PM
hang機? -_-'' how old is your pc ar~~ time to get a new one?? -_ -'
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(

1739jay 發表於 2012-12-27 05:27 PM
haha, going to sleep la~~
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
hello~~~ great day~~~ finally a day with no rain~~
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
是這個網站的問題, 我的PC還很新連去吹水區都很慢
CC517 發表於 2012-12-28 12:54 PM
you sure??? i am using the "os" server, it's pretty quick.... not slow at all....
or maybe the "www" one too many people use~~~ haha
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
1. 高清世界-劇集分享 is closed!!!!!!!!!! no more hd dramaaaaaaaa
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
o0月 發表於 2012-12-28 10:03 PM
Yes, 2012/1/1 12:00<--in the morning, which means right passed 2012/12/31
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
哇塞,主人,您好厲害啊,我已經1550級了,可以進行第 28 次轉生了!!吼!吼!
1739jay 發表於 2012-12-29 07:20 AM
you really play a lot these days.... it's chrismas and new year~~ go outdoor and have some fun~~ haha
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
我驚果陣捱唔到咁晏= ="
o0月 發表於 2012-12-29 09:41 AM
try it ba... i thought about doing that at the afternoon 1200, but.... it's 1/1, believe people would go out with families....(so do i).... so..... good luck :)
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
I gone out 4 1 whole wk
if not should be 28 last few days la
going out seems very tiring 4 me= i dun like to go out
1739jay 發表於 2012-12-29 10:23 AM
haha, then.... watch movie or drama with your family~~ play games isn't a great way to start a new year~~ haha
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
慢到死, 開了15倍卡實在用了不足15分鐘, 等也等了十多分鐘才動, 回機地就判你死刑
CC517 發表於 2012-12-29 11:44 AM
what a waste
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(