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Why is it so blue?? I though water has no colour.......
原帖由 SpitFire 於 2006-7-31 13:54 發表) R' v& D% y4 T" @1 c7 B0 u
Why is it so blue?? I though water has no colour.......
+ ~$ S/ _: K, o5 Mwww1.tvboxnow.com
9 b4 Z# V6 P& a: `. Gif the color is no color, why the ocean is blue or green ?????6 j/ ?1 o5 z* v) h8 y# H3 J6 U

0 L1 c, M+ u2 X' l1 C' R1 z6 j公仔箱論壇the blue color should be because of the reflection of light~~
amazing... ah
good pic...www1.tvboxnow.com: F# L# i7 X% i" ?
how u find it? do u have more information about tis??
好靚呀~好想去睇~tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( }( @: p. z0 J! B' E) n5 F8 M
woo....it is so beautiful....but how come it looks like this??
wow.. amazing scene!! The ice looks like it was formed when it was still a tidal wave. But I still think it's same as your normal ice.
those picture are so  pretty
好靚呀€~tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 f! o% D  e) c, X1 h) h5 y