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本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2011-11-10 07:22 PM 編輯
i think it is milk in english - Is lilitan name - 粒粒 莉莉 麗麗 lin lin
ask 咸檸 lah - Ask me what?  I also dunno...
no no , milk is nai nai - nan nan (nai nai) is  when we ask baby  ...
SweetLemon 發表於 2011-11-10 07:05 PM
so 粒粒, Lin Lin is lilitan's name..see my guess was correct, it is a name

yea, in hokkien guilin is milk..
Your dinner very fast leh。。。。
SweetLemon 發表於 2011-11-10 07:05 PM
i am having linguine in front of my monitor la

so what is the devil woman cat n goldfish mean
so what is the devil woman cat n goldfish mean
Beats me。。。
here in NY, when we received a wedding invitation they sometimes use the slang Bomb..

but anyway it is afor the wedding couple
i am having linguine in front of my monitor la

so what is the devil woman cat n goldfish mean
kimmi8k 發表於 2011-11-11 09:27 AM
you haven't ask what the 咸豬檸姐姐 meaning ler  

here in NY, when we received a wedding invitation they sometimes use the slang Bomb..

but anyway it is afor the wedding couple
kimmi8k 發表於 2011-11-11 09:31 AM
we called red bomb here....   

ok la lemon, i think lilitan n goldmonk they r using some chinese slang n lingo..so we don't understand eh..u hve a gd one lemon
gd morn even n nite
G9, kimmicat

咸豬檸姐姐 lemon can u translate this to english for me please
咸豬檸姐姐 some cat lemon n sister
don't make sense to me d
咸豬檸姐姐 - Ignore。。。。
you haven't ask what the 咸豬檸姐姐 meaning ler  
I last life have enemy with you ke?
咸豬檸姐姐 lemon can u translate this to english for me please
咸豬檸姐姐 some cat lemon n sister
don't make sense to me d
you did asked the right person in chui shui forum....  

咸豬檸姐姐 - Ignore。。。。
I last life have enemy with you ke?
SweetLemon 發表於 2011-11-11 09:42 AM
come on, today is big day 111111......

dont be mad

咸豬檸姐姐 - Ignore。。。。
I last life have enemy with you ke?
SweetLemon 發表於 2011-11-10 07:42 PM
wat is it lemon,
it sounds like a pig a cat a lemon n sister..muz be something bad eh