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I like the picture and the data about these sky high buildings.
awesome!!! thats cool!!
, z" P; B( w4 `1 J8 F3 x1 [. U( D现代人还能造出像金字塔、长城一样长久存在的建筑么?
1 S+ B6 w; w8 m7 {ak_74 發表於 2011-8-2 12:15 AM
+ p! V1 ]5 Y* |# W8 K
www1.tvboxnow.com2 D- n: f2 R  c) y
You can not work or live in the Pyramid or the Great Wall. What is the use of building it.' V  K" a' I& V: l# l
We no longer uses millions of slaves to build such pointless building, we build things that has a use." v8 q6 G8 W; l7 j. S( ~2 T5 v

* `( T. j3 z+ a" n5 HFind me a million people that is willing to work for free and willing to die, and give me unlimited fund, and I will build another pyramid for you.
amazing !