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回復第 2 帖由 啤啤盈 所發的帖子

good, any update photo?
i like .. thank u
cant really c more about her
) r- M, B- |' banyway3 ~+ F" f& y+ v5 O+ C) D3 x
not bad
' N' @0 K3 ?2 z5 \7 C% a& D% Z& T% Iwww1.tvboxnow.comthx sahring
:014: :014:
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not very clear but 有些梦幻的感觉。。。 但是为什么叫sex girl 的???  不是sexy girl 吗??? sex girl 会让人误会的。:019:
RaVeDoGgIe --------------------------------------------------- eIgGoDeVaR
Ok only.
  G- k& l+ ]# n5 i/ GTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。But nvr mind keep hard.公仔箱論壇% j2 M, @) C  `& W3 g
she is really sweet and pretty
sexy girl,thx 4 sharing
原帖由 akurain 於 2007-1-8 10:58 PM 發表
- a) H' _) K) i% n  y3 M公仔箱論壇i don't think that's herself ... i doubt a Hip Hop girl can't type the world "sexY" instead of "sex" ...
% Q5 U1 x. p( [4 `2 }# ~
公仔箱論壇" R! n6 Z5 P, @8 t
i was gonna say that , but then i though its abit mean to say that...公仔箱論壇: D/ F# q7 d* c
but yeah!u said it for me!give me a five!& j3 p* Z# p& |
but also i think she means its her friend not herself la~
" v( B. x  N) N( r9 A" u9 Rtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbstill not bad not bad la~better than if i wear the same clothes~wahahahahahha~
! V5 ]( j& q7 G) i7 |! E! o6 A0 s  x公仔箱論壇not really in to hip pop~