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[粵語] 藍天白雲 Somewhere Beyond the Mist 2018 [MP4-1080P][粵語,粵語繁體字幕]

 ,  描述: 2018

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中學生Connie (梁雍婷 飾),Connie天生患有心漏病,朋友不多,計劃謀殺雙親卻自知體弱,因此決定將同班同學Eric (顧定軒 飾)拖下水,兩人成為共犯。Connie於弒親後毫無悔意,案件由重案組女探員Angela(鄧麗欣 飾)接手調查。新婚的Angela與患有⽼⼈癡呆症的⽗親(黃樹棠 飾)及老公Tony(李任燊 飾)一起生活,剛懷孕的Angela看似擁有幸福美滿的家庭,卻發現自己的情緒愈來愈受案件影響,慢慢地她似乎開始了解Connie為何會走上這條不歸路…www1.tvboxnow.com8 S/ s1 e$ B, A

8 ~  g6 @& m( [: L6 C. `3 p下載
Thank you for sharing..........
♥ ♥♥★★ 唔該晒您 ♥★ ★♥ 多謝晒您 ♥★★ ♥ 辛苦晒您 ♥★★ ♥ 谢谢分享 ♥♥♥★★
Thank you for sharing
Thank you for sharing
實在太多精彩的節目,感謝樓主的無私貢獻,thank you for your sharing.
Thank you for sharing
thank you~~~
Thank you very very much for long time , hope can see
thank you for sharing
thanks for your share
正! 辛苦晒! 時時都有咁多精彩嘅戲睇,唔該曬,加油!。。。
3 j9 m9 L/ I) `  ^. }多謝您的無私分享,感激不盡! 作萬二分感謝!。。。
just like finger pointing to the moon but don't concentrate on the finger or else you miss all the heavenly glories!