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Feb 4 is 立春. 立春 is the first day of the year actually, so Feb 4 is the first day of the dragon year while most people think is 初一.
yeah..how come my calender marked 01/23 is CNY...my calender with a misprint ka?
kimmi8k 發表於 2012-1-20 08:45 AM
Jan 23 is CNY, but the first day of the dragon year is Feb 4, we called 立春.
People who born before Feb 4 is still rabbit, then dragon on/after Feb 4
people wont mind, we all enjoy the holiday !


“初七人日”  送上中西早點
本帖最後由 vandas 於 2012-1-30 01:04 PM 編輯

“初七人日”  恭祝  福壽雙全

正月十五元宵節, 祝 Kimmi 及各位有情人成眷屬, 大家都團團圓圓, 甜甜蜜蜜.
