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回復 #652 untori 的帖子

hi...so free geh??

回復 #657 untori 的帖子

finish work reach home liao izzit
原帖由 bernardlhtan 於 2007-12-5 09:03 PM 發表

hahaha........tat mah rojak language lo......but dun have melayu la....
foul language loh...wakaka..
nvm next time i mix till got malay language arr...
原帖由 bernardlhtan 於 2007-12-5 09:03 PM 發表

ya meh...who look at u wor..........wahaha............
neh...ah gu loh
tat's y he visits me everytime mah
原帖由 engchang 於 2007-12-5 09:07 PM 發表

no la剛剛好而已啦:onion31: :onion31:
oh like tat lar..
:onion18:then ok loh..hehe
原帖由 bernardlhtan 於 2007-12-5 10:47 PM 發表

huh.......got meh??y he duno 1 le.......hahaha.................
got arr..
because he looks blur 1
原帖由 bernardlhtan 於 2007-12-5 10:46 PM 發表

haha.....u go to learn more other language la...haha...i have take french course when at school lo...hahaha....
i noe eng, chinese, malay, cantonese, hokkien... and ''li'' language (created when study in secondary school..wakaka)
原帖由 bernardlhtan 於 2007-12-6 12:01 AM 發表

wat is "li" language wor??
erm...for example i said
''ni li hao li ma li'' = ''ni hao ma''
understand onot??
behind every single chinese word add on ''li''
hehe...laz time study in girl school
coz some malay teachers know mandarin also (our school a lot of chinese also)
so we juz create new language la..
so if we talk bad thing at teacher he/she also dont know lo...hahaha
we r so bad right?
原帖由 bernardlhtan 於 2007-12-6 12:01 AM 發表

got meh,he not look blur la...he no goyang by other le......... hehe!!
or he wants others goyang him ar?
wake up loh ah gu
原帖由 engchang 於 2007-12-6 08:15 AM 發表
有人在嗎?:onion05: :onion05: :onion05:
hehe...got me here ar

回復 #679 engchang 的帖子

hehe...see me till sienzZz liao izzit
原帖由 Alirson 於 2007-12-6 08:58 AM 發表
i also from m;sia..!!
NS near a famosa...!
ohh u same with benard lo..he also from NS

回復 #683 engchang 的帖子

hua hi 就好..

回復 #686 engchang 的帖子

hehe...juz now go to pasar with mom ma...
u arr..dun wan sleep..later cant wake up..hoho
sorry lo now i come liao ma:onion05:

回復 #688 engchang 的帖子

i also havent eat yet:019: :019: :019: :019: