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it is not the quantity ( how many busses or  public transport around a city ), but the quality they can offer. of course, this must be cooperated with the people. they must show respect, tolerance and patience while everyone is sharing the same vehicle. and i don't see china is better than every country here. thanks for sharing
我觉得 sanrwang 说得对,两国国情不一样。比较根本不公平。中国要走的路还很远。至于 sumcrv 说的嘛 ... 每个国家的利益随着时间转移;所以今是而昨非,基本上就是国与国关系的不变真理。君不见美国对埃及总统穆巴拉克态度吗?
thank you for sharing.
jvc1 發表於 2011-4-6 04:35 AM
師兄你這句話, 我看了三遍, 還是看不通.

中國五千年歷史.  美國才二三百年........ 甚麼叫早發展?
It is really a very good article or story.  This makes me think --t we always thinks it is better at next door.  I guess we all should enjoy what we have and appreciate what we have.  However, at the same time, I do enjoy to see how strong China is getting to be.  I am crossing my fingers and hope that China would never be left out and turned backward !  All of the citizens in China can be all enjoy education, thus a better life !
This story is great.  I had a similar feeling toward the American in the story.  I recently went back to China and I felt the same way.  The hardware, (technology and structure) of the city has advanced.  It is far more advance than most of the city in US.  However, the quality of the software, (Education of people) need more work.