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[疑難求助] 請問iphone點入rmvb檔影片???

各位前輩 小弟4.3.1 jb了在cydia裡下載avplayer 但有個問題 我應該將rmvb檔影片放去哪?
因為連接itunes後 試圖將rmvb影片拉過去,沒反應,這問題可教教我嗎?
cydia avplayer no use 1....u uninstall 1st...then go installer search avplayer
cydia用唔到 要去installer重新dl過?
重新整左一次 dl左
要將rmvb檔轉左做mp4 ,先可以放到itune,real player , 影音之星有得轉
connect to itunes, then find avplayer, from avplayer there drug the movie inside.. can set password also ^^
Couple of iPhone apps claim that they can play RMVB files. Such as Movie Player, OPlayer or Azul.  But I found none of them can play RMVB files smoothly.

Those apps are good, but you need to convert RMVB file to MPEG-4 (MP4).  You can just use YouTube Downloader to convert the files.  This is a very good software and it's free.

By doing the above I can guarantee you can play the movie in you iPhone perfectly. As I also have a lot of RMVB movies play in my iPhone.
avplayer never claimed that support RMVB, and it is not supporting RMVB at all
明白 想問問另外 哪裡有渠道可無下載 ifunbox呢?
AV player support RMVB.  If u are using Wifi, u can simply connect your i-phone to Wifi, and select Wifi transfer. Then using IE on your PC, type the I-phone displayed address in IE. u can upload the media to your I-phone.
附件: 您所在的用戶組無法下載或查看附件
under stand, ok?
附件: 您所在的用戶組無法下載或查看附件
use air video stream real media file from pc
thx a lot for sharing!!