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[旅遊資訊] Sex slaves

Don't say you haven't been warned.
Around Australia there are hundreds of legal brothels. Thousands of women sell their bodies for profit. In a report that exposes the worst excesses of human trafficking she reveals how networks of criminal gangs are luring women to Australia, where they are forced to work as sex slaves. If they refuse they are beaten and their families are threatened.
"What happened to us was a nightmare. We worked from 11am to 3 or 4am the next morning, and slept only three or four hours. They treated us like animals. We were sexually abused, we were dragged, we were hit." Former sex slave, from Melbourne.
Once the women arrive here, the owners play a cat and mouse game with authorities, moving their captives from brothel to brothel and even interstate, to prevent police from finding them.
It's a world where women are bought and sold, traded like commodities, and in some cases literally enslaved. And it's a trade that's growing - worldwide and in Australia.
"What happened to us was a nightmare. We worked from 11am to 3 or 4am and slept only three or four hours a night. They treated as like animals. We were sexually abused. We were dragged, we were hit. Some of us were given drugs so we could work all the time. The traffickers threatened us. Wse were scared they could hurt us and our families."
JUSTINE WANG: She was so-called, one of the supplier of the women to the broker in- or the brothel owner in Australia. So she hired a lawyer in China to help those women pass the language test and then apply for student visa. And then using their student visa to traffic women into Australia and force them into prostitution.

Now watch on:


A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
Some body put it in Chinese for me please.
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
Some body put it in Chinese for me please.
norman.ho 發表於 2011-10-25 07:25 PM
OK... here we go

Oh my god.... this is the reality of this world... it's happening everywhere...
this is reality
OK... here we go

huit 發表於 2011-10-25 08:44 PM
Hey buddy, been busy checking out the various establishments?  I heard business going a bit slow lately, but on the other hand, when it gets real busy, and when you are a bit short staff(冇咁多韓妹北妹), you are obliged to help entertaining clients yourself.
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
Hey buddy, been busy checking out the various establishments?  I heard business going a bit slow lately, but on the other hand, when it gets real busy, and when you are a bit short staff(冇咁多韓妹北 ...
norman.ho 發表於 2011-10-27 07:56 PM
Well I offered, but so far none of the punters are willing to let me jerk them off...
Well I offered, but so far none of the punters are willing to let me jerk them off...
huit 發表於 2011-10-31 08:36 AM
, You are beyond redemption!  Got to come out have a drink together sometime.
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
, You are beyond redemption!  Got to come out have a drink together sometime.
norman.ho 發表於 2011-10-31 15:35
count me in
.I see solutions not problem..........
Yes, you are in too.  You local?
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
Count me out... I didn't come here to meet dudes, this is for smartarse comments and consequence-free sledging of dorks/losers that I can't stand but won't do anything about in real life

you two have fun with each other at the pub :)
Turn around and look who is standing behind you, I think that's the type of arse he's after and check out his intent.
Come on, don't be such an antisocial.
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
Time to put out a disclaimer:

Very often I crack jokes/comments here that sounds unsavory,  however, that is just some typical aussie larrikin humour that I've acquired.  For those of us who have been living here for a while, we tends to crack jokes, poke fun at serious issues just like that.  By no means are we being uncarring about the people who are affected by the main issue.
And I think that is properly true for huit too.
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
man... you need to lighten up. You need to explain yourself... in a forum like THIS?

trust me, nobody gives a shit, half the losers that come on here just copy and paste other people's shit to get points so they can download porn, another quarter are from vancouver wanting to make friends without stepping out of their rooms (too cold? or no speak english?), and another quarter just want to sell stuff - and probably ALL of them got misled expecting to see some action when you put "sex slaves" on the topic

As for meeting up - sorry mate, not antisocial at all, I'm not keen on meeting anyone from the internet unless it leads to sex and certainly not with dudes either.