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i always come here wow. but just spend read post, seldom reply jar. TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 [  ^2 t8 Z5 S7 d. L% Z+ r" D
ya, should ask all the talkative ppl especially leny to come here. tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5 a+ Z0 k5 R1 U  D
here is nice and many sport news info can get here.
, v6 q4 V6 V& w# z+ `, A公仔箱論壇most important we have a very hard working 版主.
- f2 B$ ]( b  T/ B$ NTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
版主, is just a small suggestion, can u sort the post into different category.
8 V+ q3 @# g$ C4 I  s% P; S公仔箱論壇eg, Badminton, f1, basketball.  公仔箱論壇$ {! h2 u+ L/ }' _. U8 c1 a: }
then, when the member wanted to post regarding badminton result or event just post into it.
6 v; {) V; e' @1 ]: Lwww1.tvboxnow.comthis also can help other that wanted to check badminton info will easy. 公仔箱論壇1 e5 Q$ I: Y4 F/ e

' [9 D8 A0 W1 G9 U$ [# Ysince u have conduct the 体育迷统计. u can know which sport is hot.

回復 #47 kianlee 的帖子

this suggestion is very good... tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb- Q5 }/ D! y1 Q/ u( n
i will try to discuss with admin to do so....

回復 #46 kianlee 的帖子

yaya...call many ppl come here la....
/ Z2 Z, }8 `- U* C; [8 v7 B1 D至于努力的版主
+ e+ l( a1 L/ K- h) |- t还有一段很长的路啊!!
yes wor kianlee cos many people have bet it or want to know,,if put it in order will be very nice la...... seems like a club.
i am working hard for that now....公仔箱論壇2 \# T2 @: Q3 x5 q2 |9 I  O
please all dear fren, member wait for a little longer ar...
i know u are hard working we all wait.
thanks for u all co-operation...
0 Y- E7 V0 ^! I3 Ewww1.tvboxnow.comabout the photo game i think will open on end of this month....:014:
yeah!!!! photo game is better cos many people can just see  No need to use too much brain to see.support!!!!!!!:014: :014: :onion14:
thanks for your support first...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# `8 C0 A/ B+ H& H5 Y. T" D
please wait for this game to be open....:onion31:
haha.... izzit---->whatisthis2007 your sis???

回復 #57 ljw1982 的帖子

yeah man. she normally not here that often.........shyboy09 usualyl ask where is she and so do boy12
haha...is that two person....are chasing your sis ar...
$ v* r  m  W7 {% O# A8 l. F$ T/ E公仔箱論壇i also want to know her ar...
everybody also work hard in here...add oil