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[軟件動態] Windows 8知多啲

每次有新Windows推出,人人頭上都出現一堆問號,而隨着《Windows 8》正式降臨,相信一眾用家又要開始學習適應其嶄新的操控設計了。

說到《Windows 8》,最多人留意到的,是其觸控格仔介面,不但可給用家嶄新的操控體驗,還可強化對流動裝置的支援,而且用家可利用手勢圖像來進行解鎖,加密程度更高。值得一提,新系統加入Windows Store網上程式商店及Skydrive雲端伺服器,前者方便用家下載本地化Apps及應用程式,後者則讓使用者可以隨時隨地處理自己的Office文件,方便經常出Trip的人士。

至於新系統的硬件要求只需1GHz以上處理器、1GB以上記憶體及16GB以上硬碟空間,即是可運行《Windows 7》的電腦一定玩到《Windows 8》,甚至會覺得更流暢。兼容性方面,《Windows 7》舊有軟件可全面過渡至《Windows 8》,而驅動程式亦是參照舊有資料庫,故不會有以往發生過升級後不能使用等問題。不過,若閣下的筆記簿型電腦是一般舊款Atom處理器的Netbook,就不建議升級了。對以上內容感興趣,歡迎收看ontv東方電視生活台節目《就係咁解》。
thank you very much
Thanks a lot
being using windows RT and I kind of like it.  Can't wait for Surface Pro.
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thank you
Need to aware 2 limitations for upgrading old notebook/netbook to Windows

1) Windows 8 does not support 1024 x 600 resolution which is very common for netbook in the past.

2) The installation may be failed if your notebook is Centrino based.
On Windows 8 Pro, and find it a hassle compared to Vista. Not very practical when using Windows 8 on old PC, because no touch screen.
Thanks a lot
I am using A Dell E 6400. 4G memory with 128SSD drive.(Win7u)
Is it worth upgrade to use Win8?