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How many times a week sin?
Actually, did you said "No" before? and what's his reaction if you say "no"?6 c  g2 H  [; @$ b, y0 q$ ^
If he loves you, he will respect you.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 M& ~. e5 z8 N0 G0 e
If he still want to have action after you say no....  he is too over... not respect you... not love you... why stay with him?" C% L, I! r4 t* C, U; ~
Maybe get him a test, for next 2-3weeks......if he wants have sex... find reason to say no..... maybe say, you too tired from work, too much pressure from work... and see what he will say.... $ c* c8 U- {& ~: a2 ^8 X
Not just one or two times.... you must ZERO sex with him during this 2-3 weeks.....公仔箱論壇# ]# s% [+ T& H0 [
If he loves you, he will help you think of solution..... TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。  i8 v$ N  O1 `" O' q
This way, you can give yourself a chance o rest..... a chance to think about your relationship.....