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甘講     即係唔使出街食嘢la
好恐怖啊,真定假架,好彩我不會在繁忙時間go to 美X & 大X樂
Couldn't believe that. It's awful
眼不見為淨 ' u# B* E3 S3 @4 C( H4 S" l

) C  E6 c8 x4 x公仔箱論壇好可怕
啪啪啪啪啪啪 怕
huh??? it seen quite scary to hv meal in 茶餐厅。。。
that is very scary but i know the pineapple in a lot of place is reuse too.
9 O) ~7 E, B) Y" E; g( I  M% y6 Qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
$ @! ^3 J2 u' j2 S$ s' }Thx for sharing
: V" b+ L& d! w! |" _谢谢您的提醒
4 t: a5 H& V2 c. I0 X+ y5 h* x. C5 C* }公仔箱論壇阿弥陀佛
thank you
Oh ! No ! thx for share


thank for your information.
thanks for telling .
thank you for letting us know