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一咪係咁講, 都唔知講梗咩, 對手一邊郁, 把口就一邊講, 跟住點做點做, 但畫面完全睇唔到似做梗手術囉!
要睇就睇下韓國拍 - 医学团队TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。  Q! @" n% F6 O" D
$ x, l; c5 M1 x- `, K% Z病人護理
. i  ~$ h7 S# F# utvb now,tvbnow,bttvb專業知識
# @! O2 d" U! ^1 K6 p" a都無得比
冇錯, 睇韓國劇起碼針對題材, 唔會淨係著重感情!
PG指引,跟歐美國家的開放等級差太多。% R9 F/ P7 n9 W; h0 T
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。* F0 [5 M& U. k! q0 C# T
例如:目前醫務劇比較長壽的Greys Anatomy,手術時候血淋淋的,看多就習慣了,反而對該劇的道具挺佩服的。3 D# ]) b* k! R1 `. O0 m3 x" P
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。. g. B- g- ~& }1 ~+ Q
歐美劇集真的比較真實,剛開始看不習慣,但看著看著就覺得一個人生病了就是要醫療,如果不照顧好自己的身體,被『手術』了,那就是這下場。XDD/ j* `% h- p! y, H9 d  h6 z+ V# j2 s, l
2 L8 K: D& y% Q
I don't dare to watch.............
I noticed too. In some quick shots of someone (I forget) holding medical equipment, I even saw their hands shaking... kinda scary to see that in a surgery room.
4 O. K+ M) ^7 k+ l5 ]. [; @公仔箱論壇5 G% l3 _4 x# y  _7 a5 ^- I" c
But on the other hand, I do agree with hashonet. This series is rated PG so it has to be made according to the viewers discretion. I haven't seen anything that may be considered gory for more than 5 seconds of screen time whereas in an american medical drama, you might see the whole thing, although they often use pigs or some other "doll" for a cadaver. But then again, I don't think the target audience here would like to or get used to seeing things like this. :/ Doesn't make me dislike it though; just makes it harder for me to relate since everything is pretty much spoken instead of shown so some lines can be very wordy.
1# lycgary
講到手術的拍攝 與日本距離很遠啊
1# lycgary 我個人就唔想見到血淋淋喇.. 其實好似日劇Doctor X 又唔係只係不停講&手郁郁, 我反而唔覺有乜問題喎... 不過劇情Doctor X 比較好笑, 個人like笑片多啲.