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ok thanks for your reply..gut the bt still cant connect ..i dont know why...just cant connect...
i m using bt0.7 is it the problem?and i dont know why i downgrade
8 x& f, d! Z8 f/ Z# b! vTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。to 浪人?i remember at the b4..i can send msg to ppl ka wor...so strange...
thanks for sharing
i love u la
every week
7 N) X/ g- Y1 S. Rwww1.tvboxnow.comI only wait for it
3 \$ v" ?5 g5 B8 I) g2 o( u. f公仔箱論壇thx
% F% a1 C5 p/ V支持!支持!! i- A- d8 w- H+ |1 r
Thanks for sharing!!!
thanks i like part 1.
thank you very much.
thanks a lot
one week one thing i must do
3 U3 G2 U! m3 U% e. jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbit is!!
雖然覺得沒第1集那麼好看~ 還是支持一下下吧^^