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certainly support!
thanks you
thank you very much ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!


thanks for sharing
www1.tvboxnow.com9 T( ^. [* H& h" c
two words - thank you!
have u watched the Korean verion of 'Hotelier'?
Thank you for sharing~~~
原帖由 juniorchemist 於 2007/5/20 23:02 發表。 
9 ]: h! z* A* K# p, Phave u watched the Korean verion of 'Hotelier'?
公仔箱論壇/ Q" \5 r! j" f2 Z- c4 d" x

" ]* [4 z3 ?" K公仔箱論壇i watched korean edition already...
7 E4 H$ k; G% [; G( D) h公仔箱論壇
# M2 F) S- d7 ~- b8 @; d6 M; |6 Cin the way, it is better than japanese edition......公仔箱論壇1 M4 q" J5 u4 F2 Z7 I( o9 U
2 x; R/ V. V6 s  {- h$ E+ |
泥 醉 梅 聞 花 , 泥 枝 賞 醉 滴 ; 邀 聞 泥 石 碎 , 泥 濕 達 奔 竹 。
Great !!! Excellent !!! Thank you so much !!!
上戶彩演的有不同味道.公仔箱論壇  p  i9 h$ |7 P& X8 R/ j
Aya Ueto so pretty
" e$ X& {. u/ y5 j7 U' l; K% Etvb now,tvbnow,bttvbnice...thanks wor