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oh..please continue to share!!( h& d' d0 _8 P" P8 Z. E3 n
is waiting for ur supply...thanks!!
# R1 _( h' e: pappreciated :69:
( e) R4 T( e- M3 i( w  {tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
- Z. e3 G, T% c$ s" @# U8 Twww1.tvboxnow.comi have watched the original one from Korea
( u$ i9 ~& }/ x0 P1 R2 Thave a comparison to see which one is better!!
  ^9 y7 \9 p% a: [5 o公仔箱論壇
* `' h0 U+ ?4 c3 X7 g1 h; U8 h$ i) l% M[ 本帖最後由 juniorchemist 於 2007-5-10 06:27 AM 編輯 ]
been waiting for so long....so sad that only a chapter each week!!
have u watched the Korean verion of 'Hotelier'?
can't wait to watch the ending!!
ta...thanks for ur hard work!!